Thursday, September 24, 2015

WCIYP (There Are Over Eight Million Vacancies Available Each Month)

The mere fact that there are over eight million job vacancies available each month contradicts the belief that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find an occupation in the United States. According to What Color Is Your Parachute, the job-hunting experience has not changed in essence since 2008, but rather in behavior. In fact, I dove into this very subject in my previous blog post pertaining to this exact topic. In short, the fear of not being able to find a job is more of a misconception than people think.

If you're currently a job-hunter, or simply considering the idea of a career change, be sure to examine the following five statements that can be found in Chapter 3 of What Color Is Your Parachute:
  • Job-hunting is not a science; it is an art
    • Some people are adept at finding a new job, while others struggle. The good news is that there are resources available to assist everyone in the job-hunting process.
  • Job-hunting is always mysterious
    • It can be very difficult process to job-hunt, and sometimes it may seem cloudy in terms of actually finding a position. However, it is important to keep a positive attitude throughout the entire process, as you will eventually find a job. 
  • There is no "always wrong" way to hunt for a job or to change careers
    • There are likely ideal ways to find a job or change careers, but nothing is necessarily set in stone. People find different ways to succeed in life on a regular basis.
  • There is no "always right" way to hunt for a job or change careers
    • Similar to how there is no "always wrong" way to hunt for a job or to change careers, there is no"always right" way to go about the process either. Therefore, it can be considered a subjective manner.
  • Job-hunting is, or should be, a full-time job
    • If you find yourself struggling to find a job, this may mean that you need to invest more time into the job-hunting process. As it is with anything in life, the more time that you devote to something, the more likely it is that you will succeed. The same goes for job-hunting, especially if you're serious about landing a position. 

Speaking of job-hunting, I am currently seeking a job in the sports marketing industry and have found that LinkedIn is one of my favorite resources to find work through. It's simple and offers a clean look. If you don't believe me, be sure to check out the following image where I am searching for jobs at ESPN:

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