Tuesday, September 8, 2015

CASA Marketing (The Basics For Having Fun and Finding Work)

To begin the semester, I was introduced to the basics of social media marketing. In short, return on investment (ROI), engagement/public relations, and channels (Facebook and Twitter) stood out to me as being some of the most important aspects of marketing on a social media landscape.

Return On Investment, otherwise known as ROI, is simply the measurement used to see if a business or individual is earning money off of social media marketing. It is critical to monitor the funding of a social media campaign in order to determine if it is profitable or a waste of financial resources. In order to efficiently measure ROI, it is crucial to practice the skill regularly. Failure to do so will result in consequences, such as the inability to decipher if a particular social media marketing channel is a match for your brand or product. One way to interact with a social media channel in order to gauge its level of success is through engagement. While engaging with an audience, promotions and other forms of content will allow a business or individual to generate buzz, awareness, or attention. Essentially, engagement is a form of public relations in marketing, as interacting with a target audience enables a business to listen to its customers and simultaneously build relationships in the process. Finally, I believe it is important to understand the social media channels that are available to utilize to promote a business. Currently, Facebook and Twitter appear to be the most dependable platforms to market content on from a social media perspective. Overall, I believe that the material I have learned this week is extremely beneficial to know as a marketer, and could be useful to consider in order to find work in the future.

Other important introductory concepts to consider about social media marketing include:

  • B2B and B2C marketing
  • Monitoring (Radian 6 and Social Mentions)
  • Posting
  • Tools (Internal, Third Party)
  • Things change!

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