Tuesday, October 6, 2015

CASA Marketing (Twitter)

In previous blog posts, I have looked at different social media channels, such as Facebook, to determine the likelihood of earning a return on investment. This week, I will focus on Twitter in particular, in order to see if it is a recommended channel for social media marketing.

Similar to Facebook, Twitter is one of the more popular social media channels for a brand to promote itself on. Although users may not have purchase intent while surfing through Twitter, it still stands as a major resource to advertise on. As a company or individual, Twitter allows you to promote ideas or topics, but you can only do so with a 140 character limit. This limitation makes it difficult to implement marketing strategies at times, but it is also advantageous in the sense that less information could appeal to a target audience that is overwhelmed with information overload from other social media sites. It is also important to note that Twitter is used extensively as a customer service outlet for companies, as it allows businesses to directly interact with customers for the general public to see, which can positively impact a company's image.

But how do you use social media marketing techniques on Twitter? That's a fair question, and I have an answer to it. A popular option is to promote a tweet, that is, pay Twitter to make a post appear in the feeds of other users. Sound familiar? It should, since Facebook has a similar business model for boosting content on its platform. Regularly posting on Twitter alone could return a profit on advertising efforts, but to effectively measure ROI it is necessary to analyze how many people actually make a purchase on a website after clicking a link from Twitter. As a result, consistently positing quality content on a social media platform like Twitter is critical to engage users and attempt to earn a return on investment from marketing efforts.

Since I have discussed multiple social media platforms to date through my blog post, I figured it would be relevant to discuss how often you should post to each channel. According to an article on buffersocial, there actually is a recommended amount of content to consider for each and every social media platform. For full details, be sure to read the article I provided a link to above. If you simply wish to see a brief overview of the article, please view the picture below as an insightful resource. As you will see, three posts to Twitter is widely viewed as a safe amount of content to publish on a daily basis, especially from a business perspective.

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