As a part of the inventory process, Richard N. Bolles recommends filling out seven "petals" to a flower that will help define you as a person, while also identifying your skills and passions in the process.
Without further delay, here are the seven "petals"of a flower that should be defined during a self-inventory process:
1.) My Favorite Knowledges Or Fields Of Interest
- These may include areas of knowledge, functions (transferable skills), or traits
- Three questions/statements to ask yourself:
- What you know from your previous jobs
- What you know about, outside of work
- What fields, careers, or industries sound interesting to you
2.) My Preferred Kinds Of People To Work With
- It is important to determine what type of working environment you work most efficiently in, including what personality types you blend with as well
- There are essentially six main working environments, and it is necessary to determine which of the following you best fit in with:
- Realistic
- Investigative
- Artistic
- Social
- Enterprising
- Conventional
3.) What I Can Do And Love To Do (My Favorite Transferable Skills)
- Transferable skills can be best described as your skills with people, data, or things in a general sense. In other words, transferable skills are those that are innate, or that you are born with and have refined since
4.) My Favorite Working Conditions
- Once you identify you ideal working conditions, you will be able to determine work settings that will make you happy and allow you to be the most productive
5.) My Preferred Salary And Level Of Responsibility
- This needs to be accomplished in order to determine a desired salary, in addition to what is a realistic amount of money to earn relative to your field of expertise
6.) My Preferred Place To Live
- Understanding where you want to live is a major decision that will ultimately define where you take a job. Therefore, it is imperative to live somewhere that will make you happy and allow you to have a successful career
7.) My Goal, Purpose, Or Mission In Life
- Defining a goal, purpose, or mission in life will provide a sense of guidance or direction, especially where a career is concerned
- Per the book, here are the "Nine Kingdoms of Mission and Purpose", which can help in the self-inventory process:
- The Mind
- The Body
- The Eyes and Other Senses
- The Heart
- The Will or Conscience
- The Spirit
- Entertainment
- Our Possessions
- The Earth
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