After reading my last blog post, it should be clear that identifying what you are passionate about, and then pursuing that passion in a career is of the utmost importance during a job-hunt. Three more aspects to consider towards the end of a job-hunt are thank-you notes, job offers, and contacts.
First, thank-you notes should be a considered a requirement for anyone that has received assistance in the job-huting process. This may include a bridge-person who helped you earn an interview, a representative from a company, or even the person who actually conducted a formal interview with you. It is recommended to send both a digital and physical thank-you note, and doing so will surely separate you from other candidates applying for the same job. A thank-you note does not have to be long in nature, as two or three sentences will suffice.
Second, it is important to understand the proper ettiequte in accepting or rejecting job offers while gathering information about a company. Most of the time, a company will not offer a job if you are simply inquiring about working for them. However, it is possible. Hence, you should be ready to have a prompt response prepared in the event that such an opportunity presents itself.
Third, it is imperative to develop contacts in both a social and professional environment. Studies have shown that the more people you know can directly translate into networking your way into earning a job. A perfect example of a contact is a bridge-person, or someone who works for a company that you wish to by employed by. One of the best resources available to grow your contact tree on is LinkedIn, where you can reach out to friends, family, colleagues, or peers.
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